Newsletter - June 2023

Welcome to my first newsletter!

I am trying to keep this as informative as possible to not waste your precious time but also to make this newsletter an experience you would like to return to.

The idea is to use this as a way to update you all once a month and inform you about everything that deserves to be highlighted through email, like new drops of merchandise, updates on Magic: the Gathering, and my own IPs like Nachthunger, Asbest, and Elysium.


Since this adventure started in February, a lot has happened and I mean that in every sense of the word. We have taken the Patreon model from operating with a paywall to an entirely open project just happening on Discord, and that Discord server felt like it was flooded by people. You cannot imagine how happy I am about your interest in my project and I will make sure you get to see where we are taking the Unsung Hero with each step of his journey.

Thank you all for participating! Here are some of the latest additions to the Nachthunger Saga.

Magic: the Gathering

I don’t even know where to start. I had the pleasure of attending my first mtG convention in Philadelphia as an invited artist and the experience was mindblowing. Especially connecting with so many of you on such a close level, chatting about your favorite decks and cards, … simply amazing :)

On top of that, there have been some new releases, like March of the Machine and other editions. I’d love to show you some of these here, but you can also just follow me on my Instagram and other socials to not miss any new releases and also some old cards I’ve never shown.

I will be sharing more information on my Patreon, which is now geared as a behind-the-scenes portal to all of my works, and I hope you will enjoy the new direction we take with this!


There will be some exciting news very soon, as my collaboration with Spiridon also results in the production of high-quality giclée prints which will be available over his platform called Cursive. More news about that in the next newsletter!

I wish you all a great week!


Newsletter - July 2023

